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Holiday Hair: Why You Should Chop Before You Drop (in Front of Your Family and High School Crushes)

Ah, the holidays are upon us! It’s that magical time of the year when you gather with family, exchange gifts, and reminisce about the good ol’ days. But hold on a second—before you dive headfirst into the holiday cheer, let’s talk about something crucial: your hair. Yes, that tangled mess on top of your head could either be your crowning glory or the source of endless family roastings. So, why not spare yourself the embarrassment and consider a pre-holiday haircut?

Let’s face it; your hair has seen better days. It’s been through the pandemic, countless Zoom calls where the camera only captures you from the shoulders up, and maybe a DIY trim or two (or three). Now, as you prepare to face the judgmental glances of Aunt Mildred and the once-unattainable crush from high school, it’s time to take action.